Once you get your tax evaluation in, don’t just toss it to the side. Take a peak…if you feel like your property is over valued. Let’s talk I would be happy to look at the actual market evaluation and see what options might work best for you!
Here are some steps to follow once you get your tax evaluation statement:
- Review the property tax assessment: The first step is to review the tax assessment for accuracy. Errors can occur in assessments, such as incorrect square footage or the inclusion of features that do not exist. If there are any errors, the homeowner should contact the assessor’s office to have them corrected.
- Check for exemptions: Many states and localities offer property tax exemptions for certain groups of people, such as senior citizens, veterans, and disabled individuals. Homeowners should check to see if they are eligible for any exemptions.
- Appeal the assessment: If the assessment is accurate and the homeowner is still struggling with high property taxes, they can appeal the assessment. Homeowners should research the appeal process in their state or locality and gather evidence to support their case, such as recent sales of similar properties in the area.
- Consider a payment plan: If the homeowner cannot afford to pay their property taxes in full, they can contact their local tax collector’s office to see if a payment plan is available. A payment plan can allow the homeowner to pay their taxes over a longer period of time, reducing the financial burden.
- Seek professional assistance: Homeowners can also seek the assistance of a property tax consultant or attorney who specializes in property tax issues. These professionals can provide guidance and support throughout the appeals process and help homeowners navigate the complex world of property tax assessments.
It’s important to note that property taxes play a critical role in funding local governments and services, so it’s important to pay them on time and in full whenever possible. However, if a homeowner is struggling with high property taxes, they should take advantage of the resources available to them to try to reduce their tax burden.